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June 26, 2012

    I guess it started many many moons ago with the caveman. Him by himself stepping over dinasour shit. Clubbing his prey, not clubbing in the modern sence. I mean beating creatures with a club. Wondering bored and lonely.

Then enter Cave woman.

Some cavemen couldn't get it right by them selves so they conned thier friends to help. A band is formed.                                                                                               Long story short thats not why I started playing music. I really can't explain it, My earliest memories always have music in them. For instance I remember what I was doing the first time I heard Hotel California. I was riding my bicycle with the ape hangers and banana seat AM radio straped to the goose neck. I was six. I use to sing along with every beatles song and if I didn't know the words I'd make up my oun. My mother gave me a copy of the Mothers Of Invention, Freak Out about this time. Along with The Animals Love Is. Jimi Hendrix Crash landing, The Beatles Sgt peppers.                                                                                 Mom had a boyfriend with a older son whom gave to me every Led Zeppelin album available at that time. Led Zeppelin 1,2,3,4,and the houses of the holly. Really a person would'nt need any more music, but that started the addiction for me. Every dime I made went towards the persuit of more music. Pretty soon I had multiple copies of zeppelin because I'd wore the hand me downs out. I had every beatles record Stones, Steely dan, Traffic, Hendrix, Cat stevens, Carole King, the list goes on and on I own more then athousand records. There was no such a thing as internet or computers, I had to hunt these albums out mostly at used record stores. I thought Kiss was the greatest show on earth tho mom wouldn't let me go see them telling me I was too young. I out grew Kiss long ago but I did have the chance to see them a few years ago and I took all three of my sons with me. Take that ma.                                                                                                       Mom also had a friend who played the drums and he would let me play them too, and I don't know why but it came real easy to me, and when i was behind that set there was really no oter place I wanted to be. With in a few years I was barrowing drum sets from friends and playing along to Zeppelin and Black Sabbath albums, I started getting invited to classmate jams and that eventually led to starting a band with a friend who had drums and guitars and a mother who didn't mind one thousand takes of louie louie. Riley Moore has been a long time friend more than twenty five years. When his folks gave him the chance to buy a new set he gave me the chance to buy his old one. It took some pleeding every dime I made went to  records there was no way I could save 500 dolars  i still can't. My mom gave in ignoring the caveman like grumblings of my dad.                  Now I started playing with anyone and everyone who would give me a chance.I played with mostll older folks because I liked thier choice of music, Trex Neil Young Bad Company. The cats my age liked Motley Crue, Quiet Riot Def leppard. I still played with my schoolmates and continued my highschool band In fact Riley and I have always found some time to play even today.

   Pretty soon I'd out grew the drums tho I still enjoy playing them, it just wasn't a good tool to write tunes with. I started playing guitar and Riley and I switched rolls and started another band. We were'nt in high school any more but we felt the need to recruit old school mates for the new band.We toiled along trying to come up with our own brand of rock in roll fallowing in the shadows of the newly coined grungebands Pearl Jam, SoundGarden, Janes Addiction and Alice in Chains. I loved all these bands and it was the first time I could connect with what was popular at a specific time. Probably because those bands were very similar to the 60s and 70s bands I had been digging on since birth.

AtticSalt from left to right, Mike Lewis, Riley Moore, Scott Calhoun, Matt Halverson.

   We were al friends before we started playing music together, and we were not a very good band but we did get lots of shows. Probably too many, we didn't give ourselves much time to really get good other then playing live. We spent way too much money at a fancy recording studio by we I mean Scott. Recorded and mixed our first album on cassete in three days. No cds because Scott was broke.   Played a whole lot more shows  and coned are way into another studio. There we would write and record another album but never finish and ultimatley break up as a band. now as I said before we were all friends before starting attic salt we worked together went camping together, drank together way too much together. and to top that we really didn't have much in common musically.                After the end of Attic Salt I mostly focused on work and Family. I started writing tunes after I got my first computer and some recording software given to me by Scott.O I want to mention that not only did I get My first drum set from Riley but He also loaned me the money for my first own electric guitar, most likely because he was tired of me sweting up with my dirty paws his electric guitars. He has pretty much given me the tools to be the player I am today, thanks brother.             Any how I wrote enough tunes to record my first solo Cd "Love is a Mother fucker" I tried to write it with a theme the begining of love to the ending of love. The ending being the realization that Love takes a lot of work. I always use to try and write in a hidden code probably because I was to scared to reflect my feelings, Now after 23 years of being with my best friend and wife I can finally reflect these feeling to her. I was'nt so good at showing my feeling for a long time. I still write in code but usually to protect the guilty. 

Tyrone's Tennis Shoes\ The Fabulous Freak Brothers

Now as the storie goes, Its 1998 or so Riley calls my wife and sais to her."do you mind if Matt starts a Funk band with me, we will make a lot of money". I thinks he meant we will spend alot of money and drink alot of whiskey but thats much later. So we started a funk band got us a singer went through a couple of bass players kept one named Mike Proubst whom was a hard one to get along with. And a bit self conscious about race. When he joined we called are selves Tyrone's Tennis Shoes but Mike felt it was too much of a stereo type to be kind. I came up with the name after hearing news of inner city kids killing eachother over disigner tenni shoes. again with my hidden codes. So I was using the name The Fabulous Freak Brothers for my solo stuff and it was decided to use it for the funk band.We met a dude who called himself Chicken, the name his mama gave him is Sam Comet Green and he began playing keyboard. A beat up old Casio that he would strap to a Kushman Ice cream truck to bring to practice. After about four or five years Riley stepped out to play punk, So we went looking for a drummer and found one in a cat named Ben Kapeck. Now the Freaks had a very long list of players but I think We'll just keep it narrowed to the Key players. These players being the guys that helped me be more creative and a better player. Eventually we started getting some lucrative gigs. We landed a house gig hosting a jam on Fridays and Saturdays. It wasn't too long before that turned into a freak show of drinking and drooling. Then we were asked to play a big Biker rally, and I have to say that was a dream job for me beings as I grew up in a Biker enviroment. Three days of music, drugs, and booze just like woodstock but way different and way uncool and almost on the brink of violence come day three. I gave the three band members who's names I will leave unnamed there cut of loot and told them I will never play with them again. That was the end of The Fabulous Freak Brothers. Now to blame myself a little for the ultimate decline of what was really my favorite band. Ben couldn't make the dream gig had a vacation planned for hawaii. so we had to get a drummer and Riley was unavailable or un wanting. We were inbetween bass player so we had to call on a old one who hadn't played with us for a few years. We only had a month to rehearse and three out of four of us were junkies. Maybe the show was my fault.

One last attempt to continue as a band\ from left to right Matt Thackery, Larry Ichorse, Ben Kapeck, Matt Halverson.

   Should have known better. When I was a young man I had a local guitar hero, His name is Larry Ichorse, im sure I misspelled his name but this is my site. Anyhow I learned most of my early licks from him and at 18 he let me get up in the bar and play drums with his band. He always encouraged me and has given me mad props through out the years. He's my guitar guru. I asked him to join me in a reincarnation of the Fabulous Freak Brothers, With him in step a new bass player extrodinare Matt Thackery, and good ol Ben Kapeck we tried to continue on were I'd left off.                                                                                                                      Now the thing about spending a lot of years playing in bars you either don't drink or you develop a mean tolerence for booze, I'm the second choice. now after you keep doing this repoeatedly you become pickled and in a state of always drunk but you can still get on with the daily matters of life. Well Larry been living this life 10 or 15 years longer then I and well band practice became more of a drinking contest rather than music playing.                                  We did this for about 6 months a party every weekend managed to record two usable tune one a cover of fleetwood macs Albatross, and one that Larry and I co wrote. We have lots of recorded jams which serve as a good reminder on why I no longer drink and play music at the same time.                                                             So now I'm doin it solo, I have enough material for three double albums not all good but I hope they will become so. In the planning write now is a album of Funk and Blues I will name Finger Painting Sally, its most of the tunes I wrote in the early Freak Brother years and I will Put it out as such on my own label. The other album I'm working on will be called Rehab for Hipocrasy. under Tyrone's Tennis Shoe's. I have guests on a few tunes and I'm recording a few live with a three piece band. Ben Kapeck on drums and Mike Vaughn on bass, I'm hoping I can get Jeff Goodman to appear on the live tracks he plays keys.

  I don't enjoy gigging its not good for my health and the truth is I always had to be half crocked to calm my nerves before playing in public. Call it low self asteam or a dislike for people. I really don't know which. I love creating in my little, real little studio and in my mind its far more important to create the rest is all bullshit.      I enjoy my life, wife, and my children today in away I was too selfish, imature or perhaps just to self centered to in the past. I am blessed that my wife has put up with me through all of it. Any way thats my History.


                                                                   Matt, Tyrone Shoe Halverson. 


   Now caveman muchless lonely, but a little bit crazy. Unable to reflect his feelings with anything more than a grunt. A grunt that was sometimes misunderstood for a fart or soar muscles, caveman needed a new way to comunicate his feeling. A way that would'nt make him look like a sissy o though some cats in the past have come off pretty sallyish. A tunefull melody was probably created. I think you can hear some of these early tunes by the likes of The Rolling Stones whom some how have out lived the dinasours.